ABOUT Sherry

Sherry Cassedy, JD, MA, is a prominent divorce lawyer and mediator as well as marriage teacher, advocate, and licensed minister. She has worked with marriage and divorce from all angles. Sherry shares this wisdom in her new book, lifting the veil of silence to reveal the burdens and blessings of married life.


Sherry Cassedy, Author

35 years of experience…


Ms. Cassedy brings a deep understanding of relationships based on her professional background, educational training and depth of experience with couples.


  • BA, Stanford University.

  • JD (law degree), Georgetown University.

  • MA, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology.

  • Certificate in Spiritual Guidance.

Law Experience

Law and mediation practice for 35 years working with hundreds of couples in complex personal and financial circumstances.  Ms. Cassedy spent the first 20 years of practice as an advocate representing individuals in divorce and serving as neutral mediator. She is a Certified Family Law Specialist, former Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, and has been recognized as an outstanding family lawyer.  In 2005, she formed Threshold Resources and limited her practice to neutral work as a mediator or private judge in family conflicts, primarily divorce.  She brings a depth of knowledge of the law and of the dynamics of divorce to assist her clients through the process of separating their emotional and financial lives, and moving into a positive co-parenting relationship.


  • Podcasts and blogs on current relationship topics.

  • Frequent speaker to legal and psychological professionals on financial topics, conflict resolution strategies, and self-care and self-awareness practices.

  • Theology of Marriage at Santa Clara University.

  • Law and Ethics at Sofia University (Institute of Transpersonal Psychology).

  • Certified Yoga Instructor offering regular Yoga philosophy and restorative classes.

  • Marriage preparation courses for the Catholic Church.

Spiritual Guidance

Ms. Cassedy has studied ritual and presented spiritual retreats focused on seasonal themes relating to women’s spirituality.  She has extensive experience with dreamwork and has led dream workshops in various settings.  She is a Certified Yoga Instructor and offers “satsang” groups for chanting and study of the Yoga Sutra.  Ms. Cassedy also works individually with clients in spiritual guidance. Learn more at thresholdguidance.com

Nonprofit Work

Ms. Cassedy is one of the founders of the Tanzania Health and Education Mission (www.tzmission.org) which delivers health and education resources in Tanzania.

Ms. Cassedy served on the Board of Directors of Overcoming Barriers, a non-profit organization promoting healthy coparenting for children in high-conflict families. (www.OvercomingBarriers.org).


Ms. Cassedy has been married for 42 years to Matthew Sullivan, PhD., and they have three adult children, Tyler Sullivan, Cassedy Sullivan and Timothy Sullivan (deceased) and three precious grandchildren.

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